2)The above is happening an apartment Harvey Keitel shares with his fellow police officer, who's married and struggling with the fact that he's 'corrupt'– hel-LOOO, 'secret life and feelings of shame' subtext!
3) There's a lot of hair-pulling and proclamations of, "You're MINE
4) Continual uses of phrasing like, "don't feel guilty, you wouldn't have done that if I hadn't forced you" and "you must make a lovely couple" abound
5) Life-size portrait of Johnny Rotten as St. Sebastian (clearly using a promotional photo from his Sex Pistols days)
6) Seriously, I'm not kidding about how few clothes Johnny Rotten's wearing in this movie. Boxer shorts, a towel, Keitel's
So, yeah, in conclusion, I loved it.
I would recommend this if you're looking for something where you can turn your brain off and revel in the "What the HELL?"-ness for 90 minutes. The film stock and lighting is TERRIBLE (you'll just have to assume that things are happening onscreen at times), but Harvey Keitel is Harvey Keitel, and Johnny Rotten actually turns out a pretty good performance and uses his trademark insane stare for good effect. And, if like me, you like kinda scrawny pale redheads who
Seriously, they HAD to have known how gay this movie was, right? I mean, this all COULDN'T have been unintentional, could it?! There's just so much of it!