I have an interview, faculty meeting, informal portfolio review, AND class sit-in session at SCAD this Thursday, to see if I'm good to go for applying to the Sequential Art graduate program. Yikes. I feel mostly ready, and think I have enough portfolio material to show that I'm really interested in the field. Sigh.
Reconnecting with bizarre films etc of my youth: my parents gave me a box set of "Twin Peaks" for Christmas. God, I'd forgotten just how wonderful that show was. Agent Cooper was probably one of my first childhood crushes. (What, your parents didn't let you watch David Lynch when you were 5? What kind of childhood did YOU have?!) I've actually been to the town where "Twin Peaks" was filmed– Snoqualamie, Washington state:
Some Guy's Site About Going to the Film Locations
Proud to say that I've been inside the "Great Northern Hotel" on the top of the falls and had a cup of coffee and a piece of cherry pie in the diner. I'm a huge nerd. (In my defense, my parents and brothers used to live in Seattle in the 1970s, and it's like 30 miles away so they'd been to the town a bunch of times before....but that doesn't mitigate the fact that I am still a huge, huge nerd).

"Harry, she's dead...wrapped in plastic."
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