For comparison:

and THIS is a shot a took a couple of minutes ago off my parent's back porch.

It was almost 75 degrees yesterday. I haven't worn a jacket in two days. I've been called "Miss" half a dozen times already. People in stores are telling me to have a good day, and they mean it. It's quiet. I'm looking out the kitchen window and seeing blue herons and egrets flying over the lake. We have a dirt road, more trees than neighbors, and the neighbors that we do have wave to you when they drive past.
And, we have cute dogs.

The little one is Sophie, my parents new puppy. We've all decided she looks like a goat, and she wags her tail so much and so enthusiastically that she nearly throws herself into spasms. We're teaching her to play fetch, and she's disgustingly adorable. Max (the big one) has been having a look of woebegone on his face since she came.
Between all that, there is no one in the world that can convince me New York City is better than this.
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